Please check Frisco Cycling Club for up to date information on the following rides. Ride time and routes may change during the year due to weather and lighting and road conditions. Rides that are for members only or for race training only are not listed.
Daily Rides
Monday: 6:30pm, BOC – Location: CTEC, pace 20mph
Tuesday: 5:30 am, Fear – Location: Corner of 4th Army and Stonebrook
5:30am – Fearless – Location: corner of 4th Army and Stonebrook
6:30pm – KOM – Start 6:30pm, Location: Academy on Preston by La Hacienda
6:30pm – Aero Nights – Location: Location: TBD (Seasonal leading up to State TT)
5:30am – Fear – 5:30am, Location: corner of 4th Army and Stonebrook
6:30pm – OPP – 6:30pm am, Location: Javas and Mochas
Main Event – Time varies, between 7 and 9am, Location Varies
North – 7:00am Time varies, Location: Bike Mart – Holly Hock
10:00am – Blitz – Seasonal Ride. Time varies, Location: TBD
3:30pm – Edge – Location: Academy on Preston (Seasonal start changes)
Ride descriptions below

FCC KOM Ride: [Wednesday 6:30 pm, Location: RBM-Frisco Parking Lot, Speed: 19-21 mph avg, Distance: 39.6 miles]
This is a ride of a few rolling hills with just enough balance of elevation and speed to make you feel like you accomplished something at the end. This is a paceline focused ride.

FCC The Main Event : [Saturday 7am, Location: TBD, Pace: 19 (+/-1)mph ] This is an open ride for anyone interested in group riding. No registration required, just show up. We will be leaving from Bike Mart (formerly RBM) in Frisco.

FCC The Edge: [Sundays, 6:30pm, Location: TBD, Speed: 19-21mph avg, Distance: 30 miles] Come, join me in the excitement of riding “THE EDGE”. This ride will NOT disappoint. It’s 30 miles of twists and turns on pristine roads through and around neighborhoods in Frisco
Drop Rides /Training Rides

FEAR Ride: [Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 am, Location: corner of 4th Army and Stonebrook] An eye opener ride that loops around in Frisco. The average pace is around 22 mph and normally starts at full speed once the rubber hits the pavement.

FEAR’less Humpday: [Wednesday 5:30 am, Location: corner of 4th Army and Stonebrook] Another eye opener ride at a much more relaxed pace compared to Fear.

Aero Nights TT Ride: [Wednesday 6:30 pm, Location: TBD]
Get your weekly TT training. Nice steady pace at a 20+ average. Road bikes are also welcome to join.
OPP Ride (Other People Peloton): [Thursdays 6:30 pm, Location: Mocha & Javas parking lot (Eldorado and Legacy)] The ride covers a 30 mile loop on the east side of Frisco. The average pace is around 22 mph and eventually makes it way out to the Tribute Golf Course before returning to the coffee shop.
The North Ride: [Saturday 7:00 am, Location: Bike Mart – Holly Hock] and follows a 70ish mile route north through some rolling hills in Prosper, Celina, Weston, and McKinney. The pace is brisk and will contain some regular sprint zones for those who wish to exert a little extra. This route rolls through a section of rollers offering a challenging set of small hills. Times and Routes may change but will be posted on our Frisco Cycling Facebook Page.